Thais & Joshua

November 1, 2024 • Stokesdale, NC

Thais & Joshua

November 1, 2024 • Stokesdale, NC

Wedding Party

Fabiola Aka Fabby
Fabiola Aka Fabby - Maid of Honor Numero 1
Thais met Fabby the day their mom brought her home from the hospital. They were destined from the start to be lifelong friends. Fabby's wild spirit guarantees a night filled with crazy fun and cherished memories.
Megan - Best Woman
Sugar’n’Nutz and Cotton Candy Randy came up together on the mean streets of Holley and they’ve been two peas in a pod ever since. When it came to choosing a Best Man, there was only ever one woman for the job.
Leslie - Maid of Honor Numero 2
Leslie, the youngest of the trio and Thais' beloved little sister, stepping into the role of second Maid of Honor. Radiating with warmth and kindness, Leslie is a genuine gem, illuminating every moment with her beautiful spirit.
Sean - Groomsman
The name’s Jones, Sean Jones, and he’s one half of the roughest, toughest duo to ever grace the sport of Cornhole. The Kornhole Kings have been dominating the Backyard Cornhole League for years now, and that unbreakable bond means there’s no one better to take on the responsibility of Groomsman.